用浪漫溫馨下午茶, 在光點進行證婚儀式,
從綠山環繞的埔里小鎮來到台北市工作的蘊芬,2003年遇見澳洲來的Scott,素昧平生的兩個人漸漸交叉相乘出彼此都不曾想到過的結果。為此,兩人都將做出終身重大決定,其奧妙曲折的劇情發展,足以讓人一路從台灣咀嚼到澳洲,再三返折,回味無窮。 在克服重重困難與考驗後,這對歡喜冤家終於完成了這個轟動世界、感動眾人的「愛情本事」,並決定在未來要共同努力,繼續寫下真實、和諧且饒富趣味的生活故事。 這是今年春天,您不可錯過的絕妙好事!
從一杯Whisky開始,Love without limits!
~A True Story~
This is the story of an unlikely love that leads its protagonists in unlikely directions. With a breakthrough performance by writer-director Lee Yunfen, supported by Scott Writer in a career-defining role, their romance will take you on a complex emotional journey from to and back again.
This honest, sympathetic and funny portrayal of two young lives pulled inexorably together against the odds has been praised as a masterpiece by critics and audiences around the globe. It marks the arrival of two promising new talents who working together only push each other to new heights of creativity.
If you attend only one wedding this Spring, make it this one…
by 角落咖啡